Wednesday, June 27, 2012

DisneyWorld 2012

 She is a mighty fierce pirate!
 The Family at Kennedy Space Center!
 The guest speaker gave Little Charlie a space shuttle! Little Astronaut in the making!
 Charlie trying to whack a lobster into a pot!
 The big prize was a stuffed turtle! Of course Charlie loved it because he loves all sea animals!
 Yippee! I am going to Animal Kingdom!
 Charlie pushing Annabelle under the Saturn V Rocket! I think this is the wildest ride Little Annie has ever had!
 Daddy and Charlie taking a break on the Dino.
 Charlie gave the Dino a big hug.....these are the kind of animals Charlie likes...stationary and not alive!
 Annie, Charlie, Pluto and Goofy!
 The Family at Animal Kingdom!
 Daddy and Annabelle by the pool!
All that swimming made Annabelle hungry and tired!
 This has to be the cutest Minnie Mouse I have ever seen!
 Daddy, Charlie and Annabelle at Magic Kingdom.
 Charlie loved this big globe. He could move it in the water and felt very strong!
Did someone say I could pinch more than an inch?