Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Family Photos 2009

Ohhhh those cheeks.........

One happy Baby Boy!

Our Family!

Good thing Grandpop has a good sense of humor! This was the end of the photo shoot and all his buddies were a little tired....Charlie is crying for Mommy, Grace is wondering where dinner is, and Naomi is in dreamland! All in all it was a great day!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

A New Addition-Goldwyn II Arrives

Well after almost 2 years my Mommy and Daddy thought it was time to look for a new Goldwyn. And guess what yesterday we found him in a little toy store in Burlington...a brand new Goldwyn. I like him a lot...but I still keep the original close!
Taking my "Goldwyns" for a walk!
Two doggies are more work than one...but they are getting along well!

Summer Fun

Mmmmm...salt water is tasty!
Playing in the waves with my Mommy!

Digging a big hole......

Wipe out~!
Playing with my friend Sophia.

These "car crocs" let me go fast in the sand....look at me run!

Boy...this sand is squisshy!

What a mighty big treasure we found in the sand! It is Daddy!

Oops...this ain't so do I get out of here!

After a long day at the beach with Sophia and Fiona! (and of course Goldwyn)

Nothing better than ice-cream at the beach!

Look at my feet in the sand! WOW!!!

Up shoulders with Daddy!

Staying up late and having fun blowing bubbles!