Monday, June 16, 2008

Happy Father's Day!

Me and Dad!
See my cheek pinching on Daddy's Day!

Mommy help....Daddy has my cheeks!

Having a good time.....
Aunt Pamie my shirt isn't working....Daddy is still pinching my cheeks!

I met a lobster......scary......but Daddy likes them!

Charlie's First Swim!!!!

This swimming thing is really fun!

Taking a break on the side.....

Monday, June 9, 2008

Me and My Daddy

Daddy's shoes fit real good....

We look just alike!

That was really funny!!!

Blowing bubbles.....
Daddy's little froggie....

Charlie Goes to the Children's Museum

I loved the puzzles.....!!!
Oh look a new Boston Redsox Player.....

I also tried on some goggles!!!!
I was a Chinese prince...!!!

Look at me....!!!

I painted my first picture...

I colored a pretty picture....

I crawled on the wave!!! I had a great day!!!